Terms & Conditions

1. General Terms and Conditions

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the undermentioned terms and conditions are binding. They are valid upon confirmation of the order. Any deviating terms and conditions of the purchaser are invalid unless our terms and conditions are contradicted immediately after delivery of the order acceptance. Our general sales terms and delivery conditions also apply to subsequent transactions, even if this is not pointed out again upon their conclusion. Subsidiary agreements as well as amendments and additions to the contract are only valid if they are confirmed by us in writing.

2. Binding Nature of Quotations

Our quotations are subject to change unless a binding period is expressly mentioned. The construction method and design of our goods are subject to improvements or amendments. All quotations, drawings and other bidding documents remain our property. We are solely entitled to proprietary patent rights. They may not be duplicated or forwarded without our consent.

3. Order Acceptance

Orders are only deemed to have been accepted if they have been confirmed by us in writing. Subject to the availability of the ordered advertising material, orders are processed promptly. This mode can only be renounced on the basis of written agreements. Order processing takes place within K.O.M.M. GmbH by means of electronic data processing. Agreement to store the necessary data is given upon realisation of the contract.

4. Place of Performance/Legal Venue

In case of disputes, also with regard to the validity of the contract or the general sales terms and delivery conditions, the legal venue is Munich.
Legal relations between us and the purchaser are exclusively subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany.