Data Privacy

On the subject of data protection
The protection of personal data is important to us. We therefore conduct our activities in accordance with the applicable legal provisions for the protection of personal data and data security. In the following you will find out which information we may collect, how we handle it and to whom we may make it available.


Personal data
We do not collect any personal data (e.g. names, addresses, telephone numbers or e-mail addresses) via our websites, unless you provide us with such data voluntarily (e.g. through registration, surveys) or have consented or the corresponding Legislation on the protection of your data allows this.


Intended use
We generally use the personal data you provide to answer your inquiries, process your orders or give you access to certain information or offers. To maintain customer relationships, it may still be necessary

  • that we save and process your personal data in order to be able to better respond to your wishes or to improve our products or services; or
  • that we (or a third party on our behalf) use this personal data to inform you about the K.O.M.M. GmbH - to inform offers that are useful for your business activity or to conduct online surveys in order to better meet the tasks and requirements of our customers. 

Of course, we respect it if you do not want to give us your personal data to support our customer relationship (especially for direct marketing or for market research purposes). We will neither sell your personal data to third parties nor market it in any other way.


Use for a specific purpose
The K.O.M.M. GmbH will only collect, process and use the personal data made available by you online for the purposes communicated to you, except when the collection, processing or use

  • is carried out for a further purpose that is directly related to the original purpose for which the personal data was collected,
  • is necessary for the preparation, negotiation and fulfillment of a contract with you,
  • is required due to a legal obligation or an official or court order,
  • is necessary to establish or protect legal claims or to defend against legal action,
  • serves to prevent abuse or other unlawful activities, e. B. deliberate attacks on the K.O.M.M. GmbH - systems to ensure data security.


Communication or usage-related information
If you access our website via telecommunication services, communication-related information (e.g. Internet protocol address) or usage-related information (e.g. information on the start and duration of use and the telecommunication services you use) are automatically generated using technical means. This may allow inferences to personal data. Insofar as the collection, processing and use of your communication or usage-related information is absolutely necessary, this is subject to the statutory data protection regulations.


Automatically collected non-personal data
When you access our websites, information is occasionally collected automatically (i.e. not via registration) that is not assigned to a specific person (e.g. Internet browser and operating system used; domain name of the website you came from; number of visits ; average dwell time; pages viewed). We use this information to determine the attractiveness of our websites and to improve their performance and content.


"Cookies" - information that is automatically stored on your computer
When you visit one of our websites, we may store information in the form of a "cookie" on your computer, which will automatically recognize you the next time you visit. Cookies allow us, for example, to adapt a website to your interests or to save your password so that you do not have to re-enter it every time. If you do not want us to recognize your computer, please set your internet browser so that it deletes cookies from your computer hard drive, blocks all cookies or warns you before a cookie is saved.


Personal data from children will be processed by K.O.M.M. GmbH do not knowingly collect without expressly pointing out that such data should only be transmitted with the consent of the parents if applicable legal provisions provide for this. We only use or pass on the personal data of children to the extent permitted by law